28. marec 2024 - 16:00 do 17:00

Z veseljem vas vabimo na dva Oxford University Press webinarja, ki jih bo vodila OUP izobraževalna trenerka Erika Osvath - ekskluzivno za učitelje angleškega jezika v Sloveniji.

Dva 45-minutna webinarja bosta predstavila vpogled v ustvarjalno učenje in obvladovanje razredov z različnimi stopnjami znanja jezika, pogledali pa si bomo tudi nove učiteljske pristope, ki jih uporabljamo v najnovejših učbenikih OUP.

KDAJ? 28. 3. 2024
Webinar 1 - Osnovna šola, Nova učbeniška serija Harmonize

16:00 - 16:45 Creative learning with teenagers 

My teenage daughter once told me: 

“Mum, if you tell me what I should do, my interest vanishes completely. I want to figure out for myself what my goals are and how I should achieve them. This is the only thing that sparks my enthusiasm and investment in my learning.”

The teenage years are exciting and full of anxiety at the same time. Deep down they have a lot of questions about the world, they are searching for themselves, and long to find their inner spark and create something meaningful with it. Our role as teachers is to guide them along this process, where besides language learning we cater for their needs through transforming our class into a collaborative learning environment, where they can find this inner spark and get plenty of opportunities to create.

Harmonize offers exactly this approach through carefully staged and integrated projects giving all our teen learners room to discover themselves and create meaningful content. In this interactive talk, we will explore the main stages of such project-based learning experience and look at how the Harmonize series supports both our learners in their learning and us in our teaching process.

Webinar 2 - Srednja šola, učbeniška serija Life Vision
16:55 - 17:40 Successully managing mixed-ability classes 

For well over a century education’s purpose has been to feed industrialization. Today, the main aim of education is to produce people who will be successful in the economic field. Thus, education has turned into ways of sharpening the intellect in order to dissect and divide things, putting people on separate islands of their own bound by what they know.

However, blossoming of the human being, and so the possibility of building a better future cannot happen without inclusiveness and inclusivity. Successful classroom management of mixed-ability classes is exactly about inclusiveness and inclusivity through creating the right conditions where all our students flourish, a little bit like in the film about Don Filippo Neri, Preferisco il Paradiso.

Our English classes have to be about expanding our student’s horizons, where not knowing something, differences between each other, and diversity in whatever aspects of life, are all great opportunities to learn. In this interactive talk we will look at tips and strategies of how to engage all learners, and enable their own potential to be discovered and realized through fun and enjoyable activities.

Prijava na brezplačen webinar

Se poslušamo v 
četrtek, 28. 3. 2024, ob 16:00.


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